RT @setavakfi: Türkiye’nin Yerli Savunma Atağı Merve Seren https://t.co/FeDBTa9Ea6

Türkiye’nin Yerli Savunma Atağı
Merve Serenhttps://t.co/FeDBTa9Ea6— SETA (@setavakfi) May 11, 2017
Türkiye’nin Yerli Savunma Atağı
Merve Serenhttps://t.co/FeDBTa9Ea6— SETA (@setavakfi) May 11, 2017
#CAIR-NY Urges Stepped-Up Probe of 'Suspicious' Fire at Mosque-Owned Building Housing New Immigrants
(NEW YORK,… https://t.co/o0E6nwii1R
— CAIR National (@CAIRNational) May 11, 2017
This new study explores what it would take to change how #NorthKorea's elites feel about unification: https://t.co/yvoIP7dBrj
— RAND Corporation (@RANDCorporation) May 11, 2017
Today's Central Banks don't yield price stability for their people. They merely yield deception & destruction of entrepreneurship & savings. http://pic.twitter.com/06GrpYPtSp
— NIRP Umbrella (@NIRPUmbrella) May 11, 2017
Subscribe today: https://t.co/BtFx4jdFEM http://pic.twitter.com/l67kL3Sh6F
— Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) May 11, 2017
Military reunions–a good way to boost the mental health and happiness of combat vets
— Thomas E. Ricks (@tomricks1) May 11, 2017
McCabe challenged the contention that #Comey had been doing a bad job and the @FBI’s rank-and-file were demoralized. https://t.co/Ej2sSz6Lqq
— Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) May 11, 2017
U.S. government posts a surplus of $182.4 billion in April, up $76.4 billion from the same month last year… http://pic.twitter.com/yOoBHFNliT
— NIRP Umbrella (@NIRPUmbrella) May 11, 2017
Former Rep. Corrine Brown, D-Fla., found guilty of fraudulently taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from sham charity. http://pic.twitter.com/JKro5xhE37
— NIRP Umbrella (@NIRPUmbrella) May 11, 2017
RT @ForeignPolicy: Trump wants new aircraft carriers to turn back to ‘goddamn steam’ power catapults. https://t.co/gH8lDLfu1I