RT @FactTank: 11 states have the death penalty but haven’t used it in at least a decade. There are currently inmates on death row in each of these states. https://t.co/17kh8m5iBK https://t.co/i9OMWEM7Qz
11 states have the death penalty but haven’t used it in at least a decade. There are currently inmates on death row in each of these states. https://t.co/17kh8m5iBK pic.twitter.com/i9OMWEM7Qz
— Pew Research Fact Tank (@FactTank) August 11, 2018
RT @CFTNI: “Unless Latin America Acts, Venezuela’s Crisis Will Get Worse,” by Patrick Duddy: https://t.co/9rFJBcHnhC https://t.co/MmK9ygtVfC