RT @PewReligion: Although abortion is legal in most of Central & Eastern Europe, public opinion on it is mixed:… https://t.co/jwd5u4wtA2

Although abortion is legal in most of Central & Eastern Europe, public opinion on it is mixed: https://t.co/wYccjqVy3P http://pic.twitter.com/wGYO6dwztP
— PewResearch Religion (@PewReligion) May 17, 2017
RT @ifi_aub: @nasseryassin: #السوريين يساهمون بالاقتصاد اللبناني بمعدل 1.04 مليون دولار أميركي يوميًا. https://t.co/4anyW5c1Co https://t.co/Tx24kb8VlM