RT @RANDCorporation: Is cocaine consumption in the U.S. going up or down? RAND’s @BeauKilmer and Greg Midgette look at the data:… https://t.co/Vdf6daboIL
Is cocaine consumption in the U.S. going up or down? RAND's @BeauKilmer and Greg Midgette look at the data: https://t.co/A5Ge6rqMA7 http://pic.twitter.com/b6xGoVi4Xh
— RAND Corporation (@RANDCorporation) May 8, 2017
RT @PewReligion: See where 198 countries rank in terms of government restrictions on religion: https://t.co/gES5W4JEBj https://t.co/Cgl6QITAzh