RT @ForeignAffairs: How America invented cyberwar: https://t.co/7VrPQL9EUS

How America invented cyberwar: https://t.co/7VrPQL9EUS
— Foreign Affairs (@ForeignAffairs) May 13, 2017
How America invented cyberwar: https://t.co/7VrPQL9EUS
— Foreign Affairs (@ForeignAffairs) May 13, 2017
A senior North Korean diplomat said Saturday Pyongyang will hold talks with Washington under the right conditions… http://pic.twitter.com/2cghW1wgKt
— NIRP Umbrella (@NIRPUmbrella) May 13, 2017
Regional action is needed to prevent more Syrian chemical attacks, says RAND's @daniel_gerstein. https://t.co/EkVwfQQvEv
— RAND Corporation (@RANDCorporation) May 13, 2017
Sessions re-escalates the drug war. Get ready for more crime and corruption, with little or no impact on drug use… https://t.co/7tUqcz37wz http://pic.twitter.com/6MgqkJM5Em
— Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) May 13, 2017
#CentralAsia at 25. Five countries that followed different economic paths in the last years @UureeB and M. Dabrowski https://t.co/3bmOWnMZ45 http://pic.twitter.com/biEHEkf7Eu
— Bruegel (@Bruegel_org) May 13, 2017
This new study recommends a U.S. strategy focusing on the conditions that let the Islamic State exist and thrive: https://t.co/8psjVkovON
— RAND Corporation (@RANDCorporation) May 13, 2017
From the land border with Ireland to #expats’ pension rights, there is much to negotiate. #Brexit @GuntramWolff https://t.co/8DlRgJgWlP http://pic.twitter.com/Fawxu3GAYT
— Bruegel (@Bruegel_org) May 13, 2017
Unless tax reform is linked to spending limits there will be a strong incentive to raise tax rates. Here's why…. https://t.co/krr1b5rIrd
— Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) May 13, 2017
If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
– Dale Carnegie http://pic.twitter.com/Kp576Pzwy3
— Genius Quotes
(@GeniusQuotes__) May 13, 2017
RT @Bruegel_org: Is the #EastMed gas pipeline just another EU pipe dream? By @TagliapietraBxl https://t.co/3ouxiplPqY #Energy… https://t.co/I138fnyu86