Public Situation

RT @FactTank: Today’s real average wage in the U.S. has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. And what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest earners.

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RT @FactTank: Today’s real average wage in the U.S. has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. And what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest earners.

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RT @trtworld: “It’s a Jewish state, and we are not Jewish.” Tens of thousands of Druze protested against Israel’s new nation-state law

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RT @Bruegel_org: How much do EU Member States and industries depend on being able to reach the US consumers with their goods and services? Read the blog by @FraChiacchio & @efstathk >> #tariffs #Trump #Ireland

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RT @ForeignPolicy: Giuliano Ferrara used to be one of Silvio Berlusconi’s top spin doctors. With @realDonaldTrump’s election win and the rise of the right-wing in Europe, Ferrara has been forced to confront the ugliest face of the populist wave that he helped set in motion.

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RT @ForeignPolicy: Giuliano Ferrara used to be one of Silvio Berlusconi’s top spin doctors. With @realDonaldTrump’s election win and the rise of the right-wing in Europe, Ferrara has been forced to confront the ugliest face of the populist wave that he helped set in motion.

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RT @ForeignPolicy: Giuliano Ferrara used to be one of Silvio Berlusconi’s top spin doctors. With @realDonaldTrump’s election win and the rise of the right-wing in Europe, Ferrara has been forced to confront the ugliest face of the populist wave that he helped set in motion.

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RT @ForeignPolicy: Giuliano Ferrara used to be one of Silvio Berlusconi’s top spin doctors. With @realDonaldTrump’s election win and the rise of the right-wing in Europe, Ferrara has been forced to confront the ugliest face of the populist wave that he helped set in motion.

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RT @RealClearNews: COMMENTARY | After the violence in Chicago over the weekend, Steve Cortes believes that it’s time to think big in aiding a city that represents the literal and figurative heart of the country — and help from Donald Trump could prove decisive

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RT @bridgeinit: Katie Hopkins is a self-described “Christian conservative” English media personality who uses online platforms to spread anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and anti-black misinformation and commentary. Check out our latest #factsheet on her:

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