Public Situation

RT @trtworld: Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara declares an amnesty for Simone Gbagbo, who had been convicted of offences against the state during a brief 2011 civil war

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RT @trtworld: Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara declares an amnesty for Simone Gbagbo, who had been convicted of offences against the state during a brief 2011 civil war

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RT @trtworld: Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara declares an amnesty for Simone Gbagbo, who had been convicted of offences against the state during a brief 2011 civil war

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RT @ForeignAffairs: New studies show that the rich are far more exposed than anyone realized to the dangers of climate change—especially to deadly heat.

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RT @ppppolls: We found in weeks leading up to election that Kobach was stuck in mid to high 30s, but that Colyer was winning only 46% of ‘anti-Kobach vote.’ Big push in closing stretch was to unify anti-Kobach vore around him. Might have worked?

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RT @ppppolls: We found in weeks leading up to election that Kobach was stuck in mid to high 30s, but that Colyer was winning only 46% of ‘anti-Kobach vote.’ Big push in closing stretch was to unify anti-Kobach vore around him. Might have worked?

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RT @ppppolls: We found in weeks leading up to election that Kobach was stuck in mid to high 30s, but that Colyer was winning only 46% of ‘anti-Kobach vote.’ Big push in closing stretch was to unify anti-Kobach vore around him. Might have worked?

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RT @ppppolls: We found in weeks leading up to election that Kobach was stuck in mid to high 30s, but that Colyer was winning only 46% of ‘anti-Kobach vote.’ Big push in closing stretch was to unify anti-Kobach vore around him. Might have worked?

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RT @ppppolls: We found in weeks leading up to election that Kobach was stuck in mid to high 30s, but that Colyer was winning only 46% of ‘anti-Kobach vote.’ Big push in closing stretch was to unify anti-Kobach vore around him. Might have worked?

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RT @BrookingsFP: As Mexico’s incoming president promises new investments in the oil sector, read @samanthaenergy’s analysis of the country’s energy reforms:

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