RT @CatoInstitute: Why is insider trading illegal? https://t.co/vp2AO3SPMD https://t.co/Q1Uq1dG3Kj
Why is insider trading illegal? https://t.co/vp2AO3SPMD http://pic.twitter.com/Q1Uq1dG3Kj
— Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) May 20, 2017
Why is insider trading illegal? https://t.co/vp2AO3SPMD http://pic.twitter.com/Q1Uq1dG3Kj
— Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) May 20, 2017
Some states worry flexible integration could lead to fragmentation or even disintegration of #EU https://t.co/16txBEDE3X via
— CER (@CER_London) May 20, 2017
If #US moves towards protectionism, #EU needs to build & deepen relationships w/ other partners: https://t.co/XxG7xiuFgZ @GuntramWolff http://pic.twitter.com/hHSc81ms7C
— Bruegel (@Bruegel_org) May 20, 2017
If #US moves towards protectionism, #EU needs to build & deepen relationships w/ other partners: https://t.co/XxG7xiuFgZ @GuntramWolff http://pic.twitter.com/hHSc81ms7C
— Bruegel (@Bruegel_org) May 20, 2017
Khamenei has build an Iranian deep state that will protect his hardline legacy. https://t.co/yhS4fz5Exz
— Foreign Affairs (@ForeignAffairs) May 20, 2017
Yoğun talep üzerine #YTB #TürkiyeStajları programına başvurular uzatıldı.
Başvuru için son gün 21 Mayıs 2017 https://t.co/7aUZC48ImG http://pic.twitter.com/twWxJifrb1
— Başbakanlık YTB (@yurtdisiturkler) May 20, 2017
Read the latest report from @TrnsAtlantic on the US-German relationship, its current state, and future https://t.co/6SaEo4sJQn
— German Marshall Fund (@gmfus) May 20, 2017
Read the latest report from @TrnsAtlantic on the US-German relationship, its current state, and future https://t.co/6SaEo4sJQn
— German Marshall Fund (@gmfus) May 20, 2017
Read the latest report from @TrnsAtlantic on the US-German relationship, its current state, and future https://t.co/6SaEo4sJQn
— German Marshall Fund (@gmfus) May 20, 2017
RT @SAUOrtadogu: Enstitümüzden @kemalinat yazdı: “#Washington ziyareti sonrasında #Türkiye’nin yeni #OrtaDoğu politikası” https://t.co/0ufr4gXTTg