RT @SharqForum: The Main Drivers of Conflicts in the MENA Region | Saban Kardas https://t.co/T60gQpKz6b

The Main Drivers of Conflicts in the MENA Region | Saban Kardashttps://t.co/T60gQpKz6b
— Al Sharq Forum (@SharqForum) May 7, 2017
The Main Drivers of Conflicts in the MENA Region | Saban Kardashttps://t.co/T60gQpKz6b
— Al Sharq Forum (@SharqForum) May 7, 2017
“Even if #LePen loses the presidency, her ideology will prevail in both the right and left wing politics.”https://t.co/R99C5eHhqN http://pic.twitter.com/3agDn2BHJo
— The New Turkey (@TheNewTurkey) May 7, 2017
@worldconres You can "Print as PDF" from our database, filtering by region, state & date. Hope this helps! Here is April CW: https://t.co/j7A29pZgPR
— Crisis Group (@CrisisGroup) May 7, 2017
.@GuntramWolff & B. Berger on the global decline in the #labour income share >> https://t.co/EuRw2j21XX http://pic.twitter.com/E5htya2BJI
— Bruegel (@Bruegel_org) May 7, 2017
Dozens of Chibok girls are free. Last yr, I met w/ a teenage girl who was kidnapped by #BokoHaram. This is her story https://t.co/IcRo3Sqsj0 http://pic.twitter.com/9cTiNBf7Yc
— Hajer Naili (@H_NAILI) May 7, 2017
Thousands of lives saved by rescuers. 3210 #migrants rescued at sea on Friday. Many others rescued yesterday and operations still under way
— Flavio Di Giacomo (@fladig) May 7, 2017
New WFP study finds direct link between hunger & migration. When ppl don’t have enough food they move in big numbers https://t.co/svP1nu8tMG http://pic.twitter.com/yyYWIPaw9r
— World Food Programme (@WFP) May 5, 2017
The United States must thoroughly overhaul its strategy in order to counter ISIS' online propaganda. https://t.co/83AbrHtSsR
— Foreign Affairs (@ForeignAffairs) May 7, 2017
9 MAY | #BruegelEvent on Standardisation and patents: Problems and policy options.
Join us & register now >> https://t.co/rBBFIIsl9J http://pic.twitter.com/g3uK5uZVpM— Bruegel (@Bruegel_org) May 7, 2017
RT @ForeignAffairs: Regardless of who opposes Rouhani, Iran’s election will mostly come down to the state of economy. https://t.co/JHGpB4t9xP