RT @Bruegel_org: The ultimate test for the new Italian ‘ #GovernoDelCambiamento ’ will be whether it succeeds where all others have failed over the past two decades: bringing the country back to growth. Read the piece by @TagliapietraBxl @terzibus & @GuntramWolff >> https://t.co/TsmWBDF0w7 https://t.co/7BEctm0hwa
RT @Bruegel_org: The ultimate test for the new Italian ‘ #GovernoDelCambiamento ’ will be whether it succeeds where all others have failed over the past two decades: bringing the country back to growth. Read the piece by @TagliapietraBxl @terzibus & @GuntramWolff >> https://t.co/TsmWBDF0w7 https://t.co/7BEctm0hwa
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