RT @gmfus: Ian Lesser: Conversation between Erdogan and Trump unlikely to be boring.

Ian Lesser: Conversation between Erdogan and Trump unlikely to be boring.
— German Marshall Fund (@gmfus) May 10, 2017
Ian Lesser: Conversation between Erdogan and Trump unlikely to be boring.
— German Marshall Fund (@gmfus) May 10, 2017
.@JonDKatz: Is there a Macron in Turkey who might change the political landscape?
— German Marshall Fund (@gmfus) May 10, 2017
Sözcü Müftüoğlu'nun “Cyprus Mail” gazetesinde yayımlanan bir makalede yer alan bazı ifadeler hk. bir soruya cevabıhttps://t.co/DArOCD8R3W
— Dışişleri Bakanlığı (@TC_Disisleri) May 10, 2017
Coalition spokesman says weapons will be expended and taken care of after the conclusion of the operations. https://t.co/rcS539Mh5U #Syria
— The SETA Foundation (@SETADC) May 10, 2017
People in many former Soviet republics see their countries as more religious today than in 1970s & 1980s: https://t.co/zOtUNiFmUO http://pic.twitter.com/o7TNBuEALA
— PewResearch Religion (@PewReligion) May 10, 2017
Tweet your suggestions for figure of the week using #TWNW for a chance to have it featured on the podcast! http://pic.twitter.com/MHdNwJahIs
— CFR (@CFR_org) May 10, 2017
If 100 people lived on earth:
1 has 50% of money💵
56 no Internet💻
14 can't read📚
13 no clean water🍵#wednesdaywisdom http://pic.twitter.com/ttk9aqrYWV— NIRP Umbrella (@NIRPUmbrella) May 10, 2017
Merkel was supposed to be beatable this year. It turns out she knows Germans better than they know themselves. https://t.co/pCXwXSHQfX
— Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) May 10, 2017
Relatively few in Central/Eastern Europe attend church weekly – including just 6% of Orthodox Christians in Russia: https://t.co/oApVr367d5 http://pic.twitter.com/CKVrQt9Oqb
— PewResearch Religion (@PewReligion) May 10, 2017
RT @PewReligion: Majorities in every Orthodox country surveyed agree that women have a responsibility to society to bear children:… https://t.co/iAs9KT5uGM