RT @CAIRNational: Muslims and Jews Break Bread, and Build Bonds https://t.co/MdCNvxQC3u

Muslims and Jews Break Bread, and Build Bonds https://t.co/MdCNvxQC3u
— CAIR National (@CAIRNational) May 12, 2017
Muslims and Jews Break Bread, and Build Bonds https://t.co/MdCNvxQC3u
— CAIR National (@CAIRNational) May 12, 2017
Today, the truth comes at a price. But FP can help. https://t.co/FuX2xSVh9y http://pic.twitter.com/nFqjs0mNS3
— Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) May 12, 2017
In light of the #NHScyberattack, here's how hospitals can defend against ransomware, per @LilyAblon & @MWFriedberg: https://t.co/Cgnub6Cun0
— RAND Corporation (@RANDCorporation) May 12, 2017
Washington @RepJayapal speaks out on #India, request @narendramodi rein in "cow vigilantes." https://t.co/9B9RDpALhU
— Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) May 12, 2017
Results of the elections prove Le Pen's party still perceived as dangerous. But 10.6 mill people wanted her to win. https://t.co/2oie5S3Se4
— German Marshall Fund (@gmfus) May 12, 2017
If South Korea's new president wants to bring North Korea to the negotiating table, he needs a strategy now. https://t.co/21BRJ3GHoG
— Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) May 12, 2017
Lazer güdümlü mühimmat MAM-C, Roketsan mühendisleri tarafından yerli olarak üretildi. http://pic.twitter.com/BV8ItdAUeK
— Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) May 12, 2017
Here are the five conditions that would likely help #NorthKorea's elites feel that unification may be good for them: https://t.co/29XCSbqksd
— RAND Corporation (@RANDCorporation) May 12, 2017
In this new world, injustices will go unanswered, & pressing challenges go unaddressed, writes @StewartMPatrick: https://t.co/kdH4v6nh3s
— CFR (@CFR_org) May 12, 2017
RT @emilyctamkin: Maria Zakharova of the Russian Foreign Ministry CANNOT EVEN with you right now, U.S. journalists @ForeignPolicy https://t.co/xDkdeNxdcT