RT @ecfr: #Iran’s Elections: @EllieGeranmayeh tells you all you need to know https://t.co/ndgo3hEVUW

#Iran’s Elections: @EllieGeranmayeh tells you all you need to know https://t.co/ndgo3hEVUW
— ECFR (@ecfr) May 13, 2017
#Iran’s Elections: @EllieGeranmayeh tells you all you need to know https://t.co/ndgo3hEVUW
— ECFR (@ecfr) May 13, 2017
Ppl from #AUB, AltCity, WB, ILO, ESCWA, UNDP, InnoCouncil, Oxfam, Acted & Nawaya at IFI discussing ways #G7 can help Leb+refugee econ dev http://pic.twitter.com/BMXKxF3X5e
— IFI at AUB (@ifi_aub) May 13, 2017
Discussing current & future collaboration: EU & MENA governts. & institutions for tertiary education of Syrian refugees through HOPES-Madad http://pic.twitter.com/QtsWYe0bMu
— Hana Addam El-Ghali (@hannousha) May 12, 2017
Looking forward to engaging with @ifi_aub as part of the new strategic direction @hmpd_aub @feljardali @nasseryassin http://pic.twitter.com/33Yy0q90HN
— HMP (@hmpd_aub) May 12, 2017
5,000 people died crossing the Mediterranean to #Europe – #FreedomOfMovement #RefugeesWelcome https://t.co/NccFLWng2Q
— Nasser Yassin (@nasseryassin) May 13, 2017
Park Geun-hye’s fall from grace is an important moment in the history of South Korean democracy https://t.co/Rw2cTUYgIL
— Foreign Affairs (@ForeignAffairs) May 13, 2017
We launched a programme in S.Africa to improve sexual & reproductive health & #HIV related outcomes amongst migrants https://t.co/evQO8kjpxg http://pic.twitter.com/zN3EXwWRRy
— IOM (@UNmigration) May 13, 2017
Türkçe'nin resmi dil olarak kabulünün 740. yılı ve 13 Mayıs Türk Dil Bayramınız kutlu olsun. http://pic.twitter.com/OCNfqB60i4
— Y. Tuğrul TÜRKEŞ (@TugrulTurkes) May 13, 2017
Organisations assisting migrants say that the smugglers’ methods have grown increasingly brutal"via @FT https://t.co/b4pBhsIkz2 @UNmigration
— Flavio Di Giacomo (@fladig) May 13, 2017
RT @Byegm: #CumhurbaşkanıErdoğan #Muğla’da meydana gelen trafik kazasında hayatını kaybedenler için başsağlığı mesajı yayınlad… https://t.co/FBdgOss2Dw