RT @PoliticalHedge: Curated @ https://t.co/tE9XqLQggl on 04/21/2017 | U.S. Nuke Sniffer Plane Reportedly Makes Emergency Flight To Korea https://t.co/uEapETWVsc
Curated @ https://t.co/tE9XqLQggl on 04/21/2017 | U.S. Nuke Sniffer Plane Reportedly Makes Emergency Flight To Korea https://t.co/uEapETWVsc
— Political HEDGE (@PoliticalHedge) June 28, 2017
RT @ForeignPolicy: The World Bank is satisfied that Uzbekistan is phasing out forced and child labor. Watchdog NGOs aren’t. https://t.co/vWiZyb08uY